Posted by Piyush

do you know what is the specialty n the hidden aspect of all songs made by Musical Genius A.R.Rahman that none of the Music composers of India has in their songs (until now).that is ,his all songs hav HIDDEN MUSIC in it. whether new or 15 yrs old. I know that this sounds really wacky from my side coz you all have been listening to ARR songs for so many years.
BUT ITS ENTIRELY TRUE. there are certain instruments that r played in the background that hardly catch our attention or the percussions ,drums or trash played by SHIVMANI sounds mild.n certain music can't reach our yrs.( usually on speakers even on original audio cd's)
BUT the fact is that there is still so much to explore his more music in his own songs even today. how do u listen his music on pc or music system.?just u click the mp3 file which starts playing in wmp or any other software even by applying some equalizers. or just u simply play his mp3 or audio cd on music system.
but that will not do ........ all u have to do is that listen ARR's song by Filtering it thru..
SRS WOW EFFECT -- (Good) or Stereo WOW High Definition (HD) Effect. -- (Excellent or 5.1 Surround SRS WOW High Definition (HD) Effect. --.(Superb, Awesome Effects)
i.e play every ARR song by applying this effect or its plug-in on pc or music system(if supported)
NOW!!! Hear the Difference in songs that they will automatically get alive n reinvented discover the hidden music of ARR. all n every single instruments either playing in the background will b clearly audible.
All the drums, percussions dat were mild or not audible will b now loud n CRISPIER than ever. you will just njoy the song more than ever.This Will Refine ur Listening n ur listening pleasure to ARR’s Songs will get X 2 (double). this can b simply done if u play songs in Windows Media Player.and apply SRS WOW Effect.slide it to maximum n hear the difference.
BUT if u listen the songs using 5.1 speakers n applying 5.1 Surround SRS WOW HD Effects then you will b transferred to another world of ARR's this the hearing pleasure will get X 5 i.e 5 time more enjoyable than get extract hidden music ensure that ur mp3's highly encoded in good quality and you have good sets of speakers otherwise the hidden music will remain hidden. BEST thing is to listen it thru original audio cd's . coz some instruments get lost somewhere when compressed to mp3.
I'm using a software on my PC called "SRS AUDIO SANDBOX"(Download) By SRS LABS CORP. and its doing great. it has transformed my mp3's as if i m listening LIVE!! to ARR i enjoy it more n his songs get more lively than just mere playing on a PC.
- example 1. Just take DOL DOL (Yuva) the percussions n trash played by Sivmani in the middle and @ the end of the song are audible when played simply without any effects.BUT when filtered through 5.1 SRS WOW HD SURROUND Effect, the song take itself to another level.NOW when hearing the song every single beat and instrument is audible. the percussions are loud and refined than ever and some instruments sounded even very clear which i cant hear in simple played one.
- example 2. take Azadi (Bose-the forgotten hero)The entire song is made up with an immense use of technology with different type of guitars.the beautiful part of the song is when the sound like of a different coins falling on the floor comes b4 he sings "Azadi".he's has done this with the use of technology.its come 2 times in the song.when simply hearing the song its doesn't caught ma attention but when i heard this song using the SRS WOW Effect.The Guitars immediately caught ma attention n this time they sounds were more clear as playing live in front of me n the sounds of coin were like they are falling in front of me on the floor.They were highly clear than b4.more over i was able to hear the piano clearly that was playing mildly and i hadn't discovered it b4.there is not a single song of Rahman sir that doesn't have hidden music in it.
so it your time to discover it out.
Why this is only in ARR sir music n with none other music composer of India.(until now)?this is all coz of the Technocrat RAHMAN. His Fusion of Cutting Edge Technology in his songs.he's always very attentive to what's new in technology now a days to make best use of it in its best way.
The right Fusion of Technology with instruments make the music more discoverable THAN EVER when its not even in charts or popular.everyone here talks of gr8 RAHMAN sir and OF HIS genius legendry music. but only some knows that he's more genius to do this coz his songs couldn't get old fashioned.n shouldn't b forgotten every time one hears it should discover more of his music in songs he makes.and he should be alive in our hearts till we r alive.
So it Ur Time To Discover it.....just go ahead
windows media player 11 has that SRS WOW Effect .just go below the "NOW PLAYING" Tab>click on the arrow>enhancements>choose SRS WOW Effect.slide the SRS WOW Effect To max but don't touch the TRUE BASS filter. it will suppress the music moreover as you increase play arr songs and experience the difference.Remember that this filter provided in WMP 11 or any other version is just a basic filter.but it is worth listening by applying it rather than just just hearing ARR sir songs plainly.
like others ARR sir songs also feed us stereo content. (2 channel encoding) if they r simply played ,but what is to b discovered in only ARR air songs that they actually reproduce automatically themselves when filtered thru proper SRS WOW HD Effects. or plug-in. They rein numerate itself to 5.1 channel producing every instruments running in background or foreground . when you have a good 5.1 channel speakers. you will c that its almost playing LIVE!! in front of you .But if you have even good 2.1 channel speakers SRS Technology allows 2.1 to virtually work like 5.1 in their WOW High Definition Filtering. so you wont get disappointed even @ 2.1

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